1. DD 006-10.999 (Tony) Who Let The Blogs Out?
006.7 STO
Who Let The Blogs out:A Hyperconnected Peek at the World of Weblogs is the reason we have this blog. If it wasn't for this book I would have thought Blog was the sound my friend Phil made when he was bored or trying to mate with sophomores. The author, Biz Stone, helped make the blogging community interesting and come alive. In fact, he made me want to join up.
I'm just glad he wasn't a Marine recruiter.I'm just glad he wasn't a Marine recruiter.They say that computer go out of style every 3 days. So when Biz talks about ways to write on Blogger with HTML, one must understand that this book was written before blogger.com started added things like bold and add links to its Create and edit post pages. Even still, some of the codes and ways to upgrade your blog are still a little intimidating to me. But don't be afraid to experiment. The worse that could happen is that you lose you site and have to start over. The blogging community is unique. It's not like the internet community where I met my wife online 7 years ago. The exchange of information and rate of networking is mind-boggling. As well as it's impact. This book makes several key examples of this like the KayCee Swenson Cancer Blog Hoax and blog bombing. (Please don't do this to me!)Who Let The Blogs Out? is not a book for the blog master. It would be too simple. But for the casual Blurker or person who always wanted a web site: here's your chance to learn how. Many of the tips are simple. And with practice, you won't even need to copy straight out of the book. Like those crazy college professors always say, technology is the future. And The blog is soon to become the next step in computer science and modern society. It's big now, but soon it will be the 50 foot woman. So grab this book and log in. You have nothing to lose but your cookies.

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