DD 236-240.999 (Tony) What on Earth is Going on? by Mark Hitchcock (236 HIT)

The end of the world- it's a scary thing. Even for someone like myself who is saved by the blood of Jesus, just thinking about the end times scares me. I fear for those family and friends not saved. I fear for those who will die. Those who won't have a second chance.
I could've picked a much bigger book than this. It's only 110 pages. But, I'll tell you a secret- dispite my salvation, the whole book of the Revelations of John really freaks me out.
This all really stems from my anxiety and panic dis-orders. So, I try very hard to not think about the end times. I look forward to being taken in the rapture. I look forward to that every day. It's the fear satan brings trying to make me doubt, that I could do without.
Being from a Charismatic Christian background, I'm very knowledgable about the end times. I've seen the videos, heard the sermons, and out of compromise, watched the Left Behind movies. (I just wasn't in the mood to read the books) So, on reading this book, not much was new or shocking. But, there were a few items that peaked my interest, particularly about the Anti-Christ.
The author made an allusion to the effect that satan has a "guy" lined up to be the polar opposite of Jesus in every era of humanity. This actually makes perfect sense. See, the Bible states that noone knows the date, time or hour of Jesus' return, only God. Not even Jesus himself knows when his time will come. It's like being asked to star in a play, being told what to say and do, but never being told when your cue is to come on stage. So, obviously, satan doesn't know when Christ will return either. Thus, the devil must have someone waiting in the wings to become the anti-christ.
This theory actually gives a little credence ( I really like that word) to Nostrodamus and his predictions of multiple anti-christs. This theory also answers the skeptics theory toward the book of Revelations being about Rome's persecution of Christians. These conspiracy theorists believe that the apostle John was writing about Nero as the anti-christ. Well, if Hitchcock's theory is correct, Nero was an anti-christ, just not THE anti-christ.
I know alot of this seems really deep, but it made perfect sense to me. And these new takes on the end times help alleviate some of my fears. I see the world on a different scope. I even enjoyed this book- it a respectful way. It even did something for me that few books in my Dewey Project readings do; I really want to read other books in this series.
Tony D. wanting to read about end times prophecy. That thought is a little scary.
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