031-035.999 (Tony) The Encyclopedia Of Guilty Pleasures (031 STA)

We all have them. Eating Ready Whip Straight from the can. Reading trashy novels. Watching Bob Saget TV shows. And yet no matter how embarassed we get when our secret pleasures are revealed, we keep coming back to them, over and over, and over...again!
This book is a collection of 1001 Guily Pleasures. It is not comprehensive. Not taking itself very serious, this volume mocks anything it the realm of guily pleasures it can cram into 1001 enteries and 318 pages. From ABBA to Ziggy, all 26 letters of the alphabet are accused of spelling GUILT in the heart of many a fan and GOD AWFUL to those who hate your guilty pleasure.
This book is not for those who want to learn more about their guilty pleasure (unless they are interested in finding out why everyone else thinks their guilty pleasure is crap). This is more of a trip down memory lane or that glimpse Clarence gave Jimmy Stewart in It's a Wonderful Life (Thank God I'm not A David Hasselhof fan when enjoy Tahitian Treat soda and the music of Yanni) .
As you read this book, you realize there are a lot of freaks out there. Like, people who revere John Denver like he was Pope John Paul, or those who will scour the country side for a McRib like a Deadhead with a full tank of gas and the weekend off. And you discover that there's alof of odd stuff in this world. For example, did you know that Madame Trussaud's in London has an exhibit of celebrity butts you can squeeze? Or that We Only Just Begun originally was a jingle for a Bank? Well, you do now.
Reading this book is insightful and sometimes mind boggling. Just don't blame me, if you decide after reading this book to run outside in the snow yelling, " I want to live again! I want to live."
Sometimes seeing the path you could have chosen is just to painful to experience.
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