DD 096-100.999 (Tony) The Complete Idiot's Guide to Philosophy by Jay Stevenson. (100 STE)

First of all, let me start by saying...I AM NOT AN IDIOT!!!!
Second, I feel a little bad for the author because in his introduction to Part 1 he states"Since you picked up this book, you must be at least a little curious about philosophy". Well, Nowadays, I am not the least bit curious about philosophy. As a college student, sure I admit I thought philosophy would be a great journey. A trip for the mind without the mind-altering substnaces. So, I took two courses in college; an Intro to Philosophy and a class about Enlightenment thinkers. I hated both. And the curiousity ended their.
So in order words, I picked up the book, because I thought it would be an easy read into a subject I dread. Boy, was I wrong!
Entering into the train car known as the 100s of the Dewey decimal system, our first stop is Lames-ville, I mean Philosophies. I'll be here for a couple of stops. At this junction the seats are hard, magazines out of date, the restrooms are forever closed for cleaning, and there are no vending machines. My only hope of escape is when the 110 train (Metaphysics) arrives. Which doesn't sound half bad.
Having read this book, I feel that I know less about Philosophy, NOT more. The author really seems to like Philosophy, but I don't know if he made the book too simple or justs kissing major amounts of booty. Plus Stevenson's background is a Ph.D in English Lit., so I not sure how qualified he is to write such a volume.
Still, I managed to get my trip with this book complete. Thanks in part to the "Philoso-Fact"s spread throughout the book, which offer insights into the personals lives of the philosophers reveiwed. It was like seeing a billboard during your journey into flat barren wastelands. A little flare to help energized you, enabling the reader to make it through another page or two of the same old thing.
LIBRARY MOMENT It's interesting to note that the Hillsborough location lists this book as 100 STE while the Chpel Hill Branch classes this book as 101 STE. I was not aware of this until i was about half way through this book. In order to maintain fareness to the goals of this project, I am reading a different book for the 101-105.999 section of our local libraries.
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