DD 156-160.999 (Tony) A is For Attitude by Patricia Russell-McCloud (158 RUS)

"A" is a unique concept book in which each letter of the Alphabet stands for a word that will help one to succeed in business, fame, and life itself. From the right Attitude to better Organization- if it would herlp you to better yourself it's all here.
Sadly, some things best left to fate are here too- Like Z is for Zodiac (Chapter 26). From reading it, Russell-McCloud seems to imply that the position of the stars helps you be the real you. It sounds a lot like Predestination- in which only "elected" persons will go to Heaven, so why be holy if your doomed for Hell anyway. That theory like her chapter is one be paradox and if the stars are making you who you are- well, why do we need to be organized, if the position of Venus is going to make us the next American Idol?
There's also plenty of other paradoxs, like where in Chapter B, she tells us to work weekends, holidays, and overtime in order to shoot up the corporate ladder, yet in Chapter R, S, and T, she warns of working too much. I don't care what anyone says, our nations methods of work and it's ethics are barbaric and needs to be changed Times needs to be spend more at home and not work.
Though, I have a few problems with it. I rather enjoyed the book. In fact this section of the Dewey Decimal System had many books I wanted to give a chance to. True, this book was the shortest, but it actually was the concept of an ABC type book and not length that made me really want this book. I even tried to read one letter a day, but I kept leaving the book at work or home and ended up not doing well on that goal.
Oh, well, at least I tried.
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