DD 261-265..999 (Tony) Exploring Reality by John Polkinghorne (261.55 POL)

This book makes Hawking's A Brief History of Time look like a third grade reader. Which is funny, cause I read Brief History when I was about ten or 12.
Polkinghorne used tons of 15 dollar words in order to explain he wants a ham sandwich. I understand a general idea of what he says, but does he have to be so darn academic?
In the book, the author is trying to explain the relationship between science and religion. Yes, there actually is such a thing! However, some of what Polkinghorn the physicist believes contradicts what Polkhorne the Anglican Priest believes- or at least should. I dunno, maybe I just am not that familiar with the Anglican church. But, much of what the author believes seems contrary to the Bible. For example, how he explains how God is omniscient makes perfect sense. But, it is totally goofy! I can't really explain it (I tried to with my wife and got nowhere), so you'll need to read the book.
Also, my loyal readers might be wondering why it took me so long from my last Dewey book to this one to get posted. It has to do with the fact that I was ready to renew the book when I found out I had a bunch of late fees and couldn't renew until they got paid off. It took a couple of weeks, but once I paid the fines, I got back to reading the book!
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