
It's come to our attention that the Chapel Hill Public Library has decided to change the qualifications for books that fit in the 741.00-741.50 category of the Dewey Decimal System. According to the Dewey Decimal System, 741.00-741.50 is the listing for books of the following: graphic novels/comic book fiction, the history of graphic novels/ comics industry, comics (humor), and how to draw and or create graphic novels and comics.
However, CHPL has changed this, by deciding to move the fiction out of it's original classification and into a completely new category- Graphic Novel (Or GN as it is now listed on the book's spine). In relation to this, Young Adult graphic novels (fiction) will also be introduced to this new category. However, Youth graphic novels will continue to stay in the 741-741.5 non-fiction department of the children's section.
I spoke will representatives of other libraries in the Orange County area, including a Mrs. Roberta, from the Hillsborough, NC branch (Which is Jan and I's home library). Roberta said in regards to the change that "Chapel Hill's library is seperate entity from the libraries in the Orange County Library system.". She went on to explain that the change is not due to any changes in the Dewey Decimal System that she is aware of. However, Roberta reported that "many libraries are starting to put the Manga ( Japanese graphic novels) into a section by themselves", and advised that I talk with Chapel Hill about this change.
A representative from the CHPL confirmed that no changes have been made to the Dewey Decimal System, but felt that the change was needed to create space for a "growing section" of the library. A Manga section is also being created for the Adults, but Young Adult Manga will stay mixed with Young Adult Graphic Novels. From what I have seen of the Young Adult section, this is probably due to space.
I also made sure to ask if the Graphic Novel section was fiction or non-fiction. Amazingly enough, the CHPL rep. wasn't sure, but thought it "surley would be in fiction."
So, I am left with a problem, do I keep Graphic Novels in this project of not. The same goes for Manga. I really would love to include GN in our project, my wife, not so much. So, until we get to that section, I will leave that matter closed. It;ll be at least 3 years before we get to that section, and by then, they might return to the 741-741.5 section of Adult Non-Fiction.
Until then, my dear readers, and lovers of Graphic Novels and Manga, be aware of these changes as similar ones might affect your readings at your local library. And as always, if you cannot find what you are looking for, Please (do what I did) and ask your local librarian. That's what they are there for.
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