DD 166-170.999 (Tony) Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics by Simon Blackburn (170 Bla)

What's there to say about this book that would NOT get me sued for slander. I picked this book up because it looked interesting, had a really pretty cover (I tend not to judge by that, my wife DOES) And while some of the concepts were totally not my veiws and I had trouble understanding why many of the pictures were being used as examples for ethical concepts, I muddled through, trying to complete another book for my Dewey Decimal System project.
Then, I got to page 64!
On that page, the author claims that mothers (and DADs!)- though he calls them women, who suffer a miscarraige haven't a loss of a life to grieve, but a loss of what could have been. And that a miscarriage isn't a child and that it was without a soul. Well, that pissed me off!
I can be ok with the guy not believing in God or thinking Christianity is the meanest of all religions, but the miscarriage thing struck a cord. We've suffered 5- that's 5 children who are dead. period. This Blackburn guy thinks if you die- you cease to exist- BALONEY!!!!! If that's true then if he croaks tomorrow, this book, and much less this review ceases to exist. I know this stuff- do not try to go all Quantum Theory of Time on me. It won't work- you'll lose.
Anyway, after that book ,I did a sprint to finish this book. I really, should have been made at the whole Christianity basing and the Atheism. But, I just couldn't focus on that. The only thing I saw red on was his view on miscarraige. It made my blood boil, and it gave me a headache to have to read anymore of his junk (but I did).
In the end, I know this reveiw and this book, struck a nerve. And maybe impacted my braking skills, if ever he was to cross my car- NO! Stop it.
Still, I must conclude that the author- for him to feel this way, must never have had to suffer that loss with his wife/partner/lover. And for that, he should be grateful.
Plus, the fact that he lives abroad and I can't drive that far. STOP IT!
(See, I told you there was little good I could say about this book without getting myself in trouble!)
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