DD 146-150.999 (Tony)13 dreams Freud never had : the new mind science by J. Allan Hobson (150 HOB)

A book about dreams that doubles as a biography. An interesting concept. I’m often quite lost in the author’s descriptions of neurons and EFP’s and BPF’s and etc. etc. If it’s an jumbles of letters I lose it like as fast as the author loses his memory of non-REM sleep dreams.
But this is still a facsinating book and a book I wish never stopped. He often told of how he had a better night sleep on the nights he’d wake up with a vivid recall of a dream- often from doing research on other peoples dreams. How true that is. I did a test where I would read the book for a while before bed and stop for a few day and then start reading again. On the days that I stopped reading, I was unable to really remember what I had dreamed and was dead tired the whole day. On the reading days, I could recall the dream all day, I got out of bed earlier and was very refreshed. I really liked those days.
I know it’s been since I last read a book for my project. It’s been really hard to want to read anything but comic books as my wife and I have been spending long nights getting our hot sauce store 3gatos Fire and Rice open in our hometown of Hillsborough, NC.
Like many do when writing a journal, now that the store is open, I promise to read more and get to writing more entries on my dewey project alot quicker.
The true test will be how well I do on this promise. Is it a legitmate goal or like most of the content in this book- a real vivid promising dream!
PS- One more thing- really examine the cover to this book as it has lots of Easter Eggs hidden in it. Plus finding them really makes the book kinda creepy.