DD 201-105.999 (Tony) Don't know much about mythology By Kenneth C. Davis (DAV 201.3)

The biggest problem I have- he treats the Bible and Bible Characters as a myth and yet considers everything else from Buddha to Gilgamesh, Isis, and The Iliad as fact. Instead of ever postulating that the Flood event in Genesis might have been an actual event- thus why so many other cultures (that probably never ever heard of Christ) have a Flood story in their myths- he claims that the Hebrews (and Christians) stole that story and countless others as well as holidays.
In fact, Davis believes that the Jewish patriarch never existed in the first place!!! Now, to me, saying that is worse that saying there never was a holocaust. To tear down everything a Jew believes in their most sacred text seems wrong to me. So, why can't anyone tell me why the Jewish Anti-Defamation League hasn't made a stink about this? Adding to the bias- Davis makes a number of statements backing that Mohammad was a real person. Now, if memory serves me right (and it does) the prophet is a direct ancestor of Abraham- so if Davis' claim that the Father Muslim and Jewish never existed is correct- then well, you've just contradicted yourself and created a paradox. So much for this so-called "King of Knowing"- I guess you missed out on knowing about Back to the Future 3.
Now, I will give the author some credit. When he focuses on trivia- Davis is quite good and normally right. However, his claim that "Song of the South" was never released on Video is wrong. It was released on VHS and put on permanent moratorium in the early '90s- though the "Zipeddy Do-DA" song has been issued on several Disney Sing-a-Longs in recent years. And a Japanese version of the movie is also known to exist- where the movie is in English with Oriental sun-titles. (And since scholars are supposed to back up their facts, I worked several years at a Video store and learned this important info through press releases and trade publications. And contrary to popular opinion, most of the people clamoring for a copy were African Americans- with Caucasian Americans begging for a copy of The Last Unicorn).
I also wish that Ken Davis would have focused more on the myths and less on the history of the civilizations themselves. But, I guess that is what Cliff Notes are for.
And I know that when you write on a computer, everything you write goes down- but when trying to reference something that occurs later in the book- don't write "see below"- tell my the freakin' page number- I may want to quick reference it. Also, don't change things up 3/4 of the book to start saying "See page such and such". I always heard to not change writing styles midway through any type of term paper or work of non-fiction. SO that was a big "no-no" to the "king of Knowing"
While I will plan on not reading another one of this guys books and get rid of the one books of his that I own ASAP- I would not mind watching a week long tournament of Jeopardy between Davis, Ken Jennings, and Ben Stein. It might be fun, educational, and heck even a little prejudiced to Christians.