Thursday, July 17, 2008

DD 221-225.999 (Tony) Moses and the Angels by Ileene Sobel (221.9 SOB)

It's getting to be a trend, The adult bedtime story. No, not erotica. Get your mind out of the gutter.
Usually, they appear around Christmas, books about the "12 Rednecks of Christmas" or some street urchin who brought Jesus his first gift, or such. Now, there's "Politically Incorrect Bedtime Stories", where the wolf sues Littel Red Riding Hood for profiling.
Well, that is exactly what this book is. It's an adult bedtime story about the involvment of angels in the life and death of Moses. Let me just say,that while angels do play a big part in the life of Moses in the Bible. They don't play as big a role as they do in this book.
Moses and the Angels is based on fact and fiction. There is alot of Jewish folklore in this book. For example, this book mentions that Moses was once the king of Ethiopia. That event occurs nowhere in the old testament.
So, when reading this book, take it with a grain of salt. Don't take it for gospel truth. The art is amazing and the story, while a bit out there is enjoyable. Plus, it's a ready short book at only 64 pages! What can I say- when I read a bedtime story, I expect it to be short!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

DD 216-220.999 (Tony) The Bible: An Owner's Manual by Robert R. Hann (220 HAN)

The concept for this book is brilliant: An owner’s manual to help people better utilize their Bible. Kinda like the manual I got for my stereo, only not in Korean.
But, after the concept, it all goes down hill from there.
True, this book was wrote 25 years ago. But, the advice in this book is all wrong. Never should you read your Bible from Genesis to Revelation. It’s essential for new readers (believers or not) to start with the Gospels. Everyone I know says start with John, but I think Luke a good alternative.
At times this book lives up to what it intended, but once you get through the intros for each chapter, it starts to turn into a text book. There’s lots of experts and scriptures quoted, but this should not be used for a devotional. Especially, since I ended the book wondering if the author was a Christian or just a Bible scholar who researches religion for for the sake of research. That ambiguity left me hating a book I really didn’t enjoy from the get go.