DD 256-260..999 (Tony) God Plays Piano, Too: The Spiritual Lives of Disabled Children by Brett Webb-Mitchell (Web 259.4)

This was the only book at my library for this section. But it was a well received read as both my wife and I have a heart for kids ministry and we want to start a ministry for disabled children at our church ASAP! My wife will be reading this book soon- though she wont be reveiwing it for the project.
I learned some very interesting concepts in this book. True, this book is about 12 years old- but it's all new to me. The most important theory explored in this book is the importance in Narratives on the Spiritual lives of disabled children. So often do we think if a child is mentally challenged, they can't have a relationship with God or understand what is going on in church. So many of the kids focused on in this book went through a wide array of sterotypes and prejudices that stunted their spiritual growth.
This book is a must read for those interest in the subject of children with disabilities and their religious beliefs. If anyone has a desire to adapt their children's ministries to accomodate those with mental (and physical, but this book focuses on those mental retardation or social/behavioral disorders) handicaps, YOU MUST read this book!